September 2024
With the recent passing of the Autumnal Equinox the calender, at least, dictates that we are now officially into Autumn although at present there is little sign of the changing colours in nature associated with Autumn in our gardens or the leaves beginning to fall from the trees. Whatever measure we use to denote the coming of Autumn there is no doubt about the recent change in our weather to wetter and colder conditions often associated with Autumn and that means the season of Christmas is not far away and, as usual, will probably creep up on us all to quickly.
However before that happens we have one more CMS concert arranged. This is scheduled to take place on Saturday 2nd November at St Peters Church, High Street, March PE15 9RJ, commencing at 14.00 hours, when we will be entertained by the international pianist Patrick Hemmerle. He will be playing an extremely varied programme of well known classical music by composers including Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Lizst, Scarlatti, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Mahler, Chopin, Greig, Grainger and others. Something for everyone. We hope you will be able to join us for this interesting and exciting looking concert and that you will advertise it to your family, friends and neighbours. Advertising this concert is very important and is a crucial way in which all our members can help in supporting us. Ticket prices will be as normal, £15 for CMS members and £18 for non-members, available from our Treasurer or on the door.
The other date we have for your diaries is Saturday 22nd February 2025 when we will be holding our Annual General Meeting at the King Edward Centre, Railway Lane, Chatteris PE16 6NG from 15.00 hours. We plan to commence the meeting proper at 15.30 hours and it will be for current members only. Annual membership fees will be collected between 15.00 and 15.30 hours so please come prepared to pay your membership fees before the meeting commences. Our annual membership fees remain at £10 for couples and £7.50 for singles.
All Officers and Committee Members will be up for re-election and we have vacancies on the Committee. If you would like to join the Committee then nominations in writing supported by two members should be with our Secretary, Petra, by no later than Saturday 15th February 2025 please. There will be opportunity at the meeting to discuss this years concerts, finances, future concerts and membership fees - the latter subject which rarely, if ever, has universal approval! On a brighter, and more encouraging note, we are pleased to report that several of our recent concerts have, at least, ‘broken even’ financially. This means that, with the bequest received earlier this year, we are financially in a stronger position than we were at the end of the last financial year. However audience numbers remain stubbornly low, at least in comparison to just a few years ago. The important questions will be, which artists do we want to book for concerts during 2025? How much are we prepared to spend on artist’s fees? What is the most effective way to increase both our audience and membership numbers?
Since the last Newsletter we have had two very successful concerts both of which made a small profit. The Wandering Minstrels were very popular and gave an unforgettable performance. The rejuvenated Huntingdon Mail Voices also gave an excellent, varied and enjoyable performance which attracted the biggest audience we have had in March during 2024. The biggest audience of the whole 2024 season was at the Opera Dudes concert held in Chatteris during March.
We look forward to welcoming you at St Peters Church, March on Saturday 2nd November.
The CMS Committee.